Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bimetallic Strip Aluminum

"CABLE SKID" (water-sports film) - Review

Cable Skid (2007)

A critique of maDDDin (Review of the film: 10/10)

"Cable Skid" is the first German film with a focus on water-sports, while a fast-paced mix of stunning camera angles and rapid cutting sequence.

The varied film shows some of the best waterskiing and wakeboarding riders in the world in all its perfection from the cable car. Including World Champion Thomas Bauer, the world record holder in the jump, slalom legend Simon Herrmann and wakeboard host Bernhard Hinterberger and Andreas Pape , countless German champion and world champion in 2006, the also directed.

There are talented newcomer to the water sports scene as Christian "Dogel" Wagener and Philipp Riedel their daredevil jumps to admire.

To the eye it is lovely Water Bunny as Sabrina Brencher ("Linden Street"), Nele Kiper ("Jerry Cotton") and Yvonne Maria Schäfer ("Chaos Days").

On the DVD there is next to the main movie - cut from Jakob Gisik ( "Two minutes risk" ), nor an abstract (cut from Garage filmmaker Timo Rose ). The latter is cut but uninspired and can be safely avoided.

All in all, a super water-film with the stars of the scene.



film can be purchased at a price of 9.99 € (plus shipping)
. contact through


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