Friday, October 29, 2010

Electric Heat Is Making Me Sick

Christmas card with GIMP

paint a little, a little animate - but a lot of GIMP
we tinker a Christmas card with GIMP
This tutorial I have written himself - may
any similarity to other tutorials is purely coincidental and is not intended
My Tuts neither own Ausgegebn will
new chair or on other pages.
may also not be translated without my permission or
be used for Workschops / schools and craft groups.
© by Supersuzi
written with GIMP 2.6 17 October 2010

I'll have a couple of times to brush -----> packed in a zip file \u0026lt;-----,
which I myself have created and the Tut use - it sure other brush, you can try out their own

first Open a new canvas with 600x450px
with a color of your choice
or a background pattern

second and equal to a new level, you
"Holz1» Designating

third male with the "Baum2" Brush and
the settings in the screenshot as a branch

4th again create a new layer "Holz2»
and paint with the brush "Baum3" and "Baum4»
in various shades of brown along the road

5th now take a selection from the alpha channel at the level of "Holz1" - invert
selection and remove the plane, "Holz2»

6. Now is your branch and completed
you can combine the two levels

7th and all times from the same store as xcf,
if you have not already done so should ...

8th Now we come to the needles - create a new layer and paint
with a shade of green needles
example, a series with the normal round brush, you can also
times from the other brush
. Zip through the sample,
maybe you like this reflects ...

9th new level - Other green - more needles

10th Sun paint a few levels

11th move them in the order as you like

12th Save

13th Now double the timber level and move them to the top

14th in this top-level timber:
Alpha to Selection - Invert selection
Hide Selection (5 is usually enough)
and "Delete" so that now shine through the approaches of the needles slightly

15th if you like it you can save it

16th unite all the branch levels with each

17th Now you can have a ball or a star or whatever
- do you find in the GIMP Workshop some tutorials

18th create a new layer

19th Select all - Select the edge with 10 - 20 px
depending on how wide you want to have him

20th a gold-or silver-texture fill
(there are some who in the zip)

21st Filter - Home Decor - Bevel edge - no selection

22nd Shadow

23rd the same shadows and give your branch and your decoration

24th create your text
- Alpha to Selection and
also fill with the pattern, such as the edge

25th a shadow type

26th if you want to print the map
are you done here and they can save and print

if you want to animate it even more then click here:

27th make the plane "edge" and the plain "text" invisible
go and then "Merge Visible Layers"

28th Now the two gold layers visible again and make

29th this now 4 times double

30th the lower boundary level remains as it is

31st where edge-copy source and the filter - noise - to scatter

32nd at the edge of copy # 1, too, but with 30
at the edge of copy # 2 also, but with 60
at the edge COPY # 3 also, but with 90 33rd

Now the background layer will double 4 times
and move always a background under an edge-copy

34th now always unite the Edge Level
with the underlying background level
so you only have 5 levels

35th these levels to be designated as the Screen
(which makes you like the next step)

36th now doubles each level and move up the double
- watch as the order - they must be exact
other way around, as the "original"

37th so now I double the highest level without delay or 4 times
(since then I have to change in the length of the animation nothing more)

38th All in gif - animation store

I hope this tutorial has made you a little fun and it shows me your results.

Skoal Mint Pouches For Sale

spring writing - Glitter, the 2nd

the this tutorial I've written - it is a central part of ---> the here &
they are my steps and it might be easier. .. may
any similarity to other tutorials is purely coincidental and is not intended
My Tuts neither own Ausgegebn be
be new chair on other pages.
may also not be translated without my permission or
be used for Workschops / schools and craft groups.
© by Supersuzi
written using GIMP 2.6 on 28 October 2010

this method is the more comprehensive of the two ...

there are dozens of web sites where you can find already so pre Glitter Animations
- enter at your search engine simply "Backgrounds Glitter" a

I decide for:

open your "Glitter" with GIMP and set the mode to RGB

I like the color is not now, so I will adjust them ...
I go to Colors-> Hue / Saturation and adjust your color to

now go to the next level down and go back to Hue / Saturation and select Settings from the top, the top (must be the time of the flat) so you have exactly the same setting again

you're doing now with the other levels also

now you have all the layers visible
and go to "File -> Save
and speicherst Glitter1.pat them as (you should remember where you save)
- Image
together - in the description again Glitter1 enter

now delete the top level and save as
think of it, rename the description

repeat step 6 as often as you have
levels and save the pat with consecutive numbering

I only have 3 levels - ie 3 Pattern
looking for this I am now and move them in my ".gimp-2.6/patterns" - folder

9th Close your
either GIMP or go to designs and update them ...

D ie preliminary work is done ...

open your file with each heading level from the first part
now seeking the font level, the full name has
, and double as many times as you have stored pattern then the
bennenne levels in 1-3 (or more ) 11 to

mark in the Layers dialog, the top-level font

right click and "Alpha to Selection"

now you can possibly make the font a little thicker by adding it to
Selection -> Zoom to 1 or 2 px or more - as you like ...

go now in your sample dialog on Glitter1
then -> Edit - Fill> with pattern

xcf that meuem to save

make the top text layer invisible
mark and the next
then you do the steps 12 - 14 with this level
but this time again with Glitter2

repeat the steps with all levels
with the different patterns Glitter ...

1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 2 ... etc. ..
if you had more levels in your glitter,
you must choose accordingly more different pattern fills ...

now save the whole and then it goes
----> here by the filler and the subsequent animation

Toilet Makes Whooshing Sound

Spring Font - Glitter 1

This tutorial written by myself - it is a central part of ---> to here \u0026lt;---
they are my steps and it might be easier ...
© by Supersuzi written with GIMP 2.6 on 28 October 2010

this method is the easier of the two ...

but be quick both of them ...

open your file with each heading level from the first part

mark in the Layers dialog, the top-level font
right click and "Alpha to Selection"

now you can possibly make the font a little thicker by adding it to
Selection -> Zoom to 1 or 2 px or more - as you like ...
if you do this you must again fill with your color


now go to Filter -> Noise -> HSV-noise with the following settings:

now choose the Layers dialog the next document-level
take again increase the selection from the alpha channel
again the font (same Px number), when you had previously done
apply again the noise filter, but when value put a 150
save the xcf!

this 5th Step are you doing now with each level
always a different setting of the noise
(100 - 150 - 200 - 250 - 200 - 150 - 100 - 150th ..)
do not forget that cache ...

before you do this with the last written
level (ie the full name is) will double this level only 4 times,
bennenne the levels in 1-4 to
and apply to all levels of noise at a different

If the full name should then remain longer and glitter, you just need to double these levels then ever again and push up on it ...

now save the whole and then it goes
----> here by the filler and the subsequent animation

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pokemon Doojin Online

simple spring writing with the GIMP Animation

This tutorial written by myself - it is the 2. Part of ---> to here \u0026lt;---
they are my steps and it might be easier ...
© by Supersuzi written with GIMP 2.6 on 28 October 2010

still NEN new coffee?

arrange your text layers in the opposite order to
now get your "writing tool" in the picture
and adjust the size and make sure that it is at the top of the Layers dialog

if you have a keg or fountain pen shell, which should always remain in the same place,
will double it so often now, as you have written layers and move them (in the Layers dialog ) take turns with the writing - on top the barrel, underneath the writing ...
here you see the order - font font-barrel-barrel ...

now always associate a font and a barrel-shell
by clicking on the barrel (shell) level clicks - "Merge down"
then right click and

now all save as xcf again - but with a different name so that you the "original" containers

now we come to Pen / Pencil -
duplicate it for the first time and put the original invisible
positioning the duplicate now so
how it should look completely

double the top-level font
and connect the spring with this,
they shall now invisible

Now, push the stock spring in the Layers dialog over the top-level font
and then in the picture to the right place

spring double
and the lower of the two with the next-level writing
this then make unstichtbar xcf


now Item 8 and 9 do so on until all have font-levels a spring:

Sometimes I double the heading level again, and just moving the pen so then in the animation, a small distance between them remains

the end I've then again the barrel and the spring alone

now you can make all layers visible

So, now draw on a selection,
large so that all visible and nothing is cut

now go to:
image - Cut> Selection

now delete the background layer

now double the level 4 or 5 times, where everything is completely
(so you have this then most easily be longer)

now save as gif and still finished
optionally the milliseconds to 250 To make as you like

I hope that you now not too many gray hairs you get ...

A Sample Letter For Community Service

simple spring writing with GIMP Part 1

This tutorial written by myself -
they are my steps and it might be easier ...
© by Supersuzi written with GIMP 2.6 on 28 October 2010

first you looking for a pen, pencil, brush
or whatever you want to take to write
(also a long-stemmed rose looks class!)
You may just want to take my pen,
I have kept clear himself (the © is therefore for me) you may not use it like
also on the Internet you can find sure a lot of freely usable materials
such as in Helga: (Is Link 1 Link 2 springs and on brushes and pens and
the 3rd also Usefully
) grannyart

Sun , now you have the first time all you need and we can get started ..
Oh, do not worry, it's a lot of work, but worth it!
can still quickly get some coffee and then we start
open in a new canvas 600x450 px
reduce (du then still)

write your name or the word to take what you want in a beautiful
(write) the color of your choice Schriftund
(Change if necessary, then the background in a contrasting color around -
will be deleted anyway, but makes you the following steps)

now save you time only fourth as xcf file

this writing double-layer, make
lower-level writing invisible
in the Font # 1 "part of the back etch away (take the best brush - Circle (19))
(radierst now the more you get, the less it will ultimately levels and the smaller the file size ... but sometimes less is better erase - you can then delete or possibly even later levels in between, when it will be too many ...)
now you double the "font # 1"
the Font # 1 "set invisible
and in the Font # 2" you radierst another step away
SAVE (the xcf)
try (this "backwards" think -
that is opposite to the writing pen)

repeat step 5
- double always with the top level,
underneath the invisible make
and at the top erase

and when you come to a letter, with item (s) over it,
Rub away the point, and then the rest of the letters,
this will look at the animation better

Eighth eraser to clean and proper order

here you see that I get to 20 levels ...

I'll have my time here each level
made in different colors,
so you can see, as I have erased about

you saved?
if not, do it again now ...

----> now it's here by the filler and the subsequent animation

If you like your handwriting then let glisten like
go on with the variant that you want to have:

Option 1: the noise

variant 2: with a pattern

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bearded Dragons Rear Leg Paralysis

Coming soon on DVD: Erwin Braddog Goodbye (2011) Franz

Erwin Braddog Goodbye (2011) - Teaser 10/2010
Source: YouTube

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Recommendation Of Study

Simoneit - Mr. Simonet (2010)

Franz Simoneit - Mr. Simoneit
Music Video 2010

with: Franz Simoneit, Prashant Jaiswal, Martin Hentschel,
Christian Witte, Andreas Pape, Evelyn Hock, Annie Biggs,
Klaudia Paetsch, Jacob Gisik, Domian Bertucci
Director: Andreas Pape
Camera: Christian Witte, Andreas Pape, Jacob Gisik
Production: Andreas Pape, Martin Hentschel, Christian Witte
section and effects: Christian Witte
Casting: Martin Hentschel
Location: Kerstin Michels
Special Thanks to: Jacob Gisik ( )
Ralf Kemper ( )
© Andreas Pape, All rights reserved