Monday, August 30, 2010

Corporate Anniversary Message Example

Review: GZSZ - Folge: 4560

Photos: Grundy UFA / RTL

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Say Congratulate A Pregnant Lady

desktop background with photos - Batch

This tutorial written by myself - not
any similarity to other tutorials is purely coincidental and is not intended
My Tuts neither own Ausgegebn be
yet new chair will be on other pages.
may also without my Permission not translated or
be used for Workschops / schools and craft groups.
© by Supersuzi
written on with PI X3
21st June 2010

now I show you the possibility of batch processing

This is a class thing, if you "just" quickly want to edit multiple photos in the same way

we make us even as a desktop background
you need a background image - at Best a landscape
and 4 - 6 photos, you want to do on it

first open your canvas with the size of your screen resolution (1280x800 I take)
second Now you draw your background image inside and adjust the size of
third apply the art of colored pencil filter - trying as with the settings to fit to your photo - Save - descriptive name is advantageous
4th Now open your other photos all
5th Now take the crop tool and, as you "digital camera 3:4 or 4:3" depending on whether you need landscape or portrait format (which may guarantee that then the photos will have all the same size) and cut all the photos of

6th Now click on Window -> Batch
and take the settings in the screen before - Make sure that you are not highlighting the background - following every batch!

7th press "ok" and then set the:

on another screen resolution can it be that you will need other dimensions shrink, but you can then right at the end one more time!

8th Batch processing - raise - - Photo 5
9th Batch Processing - Adjustment - extend desktop - with herself 2px black
10th Batch Processing - Adjustment - extend desktop - with herself 15px white
11th Batch Processing - Adjustment - extend desktop - with herself 1px black
12th Now cut out each image and paste as a new layer on your HG
13th Arrange to give your taste and all the photos a shadow

14th if you like you looking for anything from a Scrap Kit, which you can attach the photos
15th Give the credits to - so photos and, if used scrap material
16th Now save even more and to show at the Forum include everything and then reduce to 600px wide - that

I hope that hurt you was fun and you have found a new way to "just" quickly "to process many photos right

mine looks like this:

Blue Prints For Small Office Buildings

mesh with PSP

This tutorial written by myself - not
any similarity to other tutorials is purely coincidental and is not intended
My Tuts neither own Ausgegebn be
be new chair on other pages.
may also not be translated without my permission or
be used for Workschops / schools and craft groups.
© by Supersuzi
written using PSP X
21 June 2010

first Open a new canvas with 1500 px side length
second create a long narrow rectangle (5x1450px) on
third converting to raster
4th Now go to Effects -> Distortion effects - waves

5th now miss a nice 3D look (eg with inner bevel or EyeCandy-Chrome)
6th To double flip vertically and move it slightly above the other
7th Now the bodies of the upper wire mark, we have to push underneath

9th Cut - new raster layer - in this new level in this layer and select Paste under the other wire planes
10th draw Selection
11th pick all 3 levels as Einzzelobjekt include wire mesh and finished our part

12th that you can now double a few times and put in a shape of your choice - think about it again the other parts under the wire basket so that it also is really twisted ...

as a heart

if you so forms such as heart or want a star or something, make
it might be faster if you get your rectangles complete it indicates wonder how it will look like in the end and then each row completely the spline - line do and then row by row, the parts are to cut underneath and reinsert (items 8 & 9 from top)